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Mods  TTM v2 endlich da!   JeDiDrAko 31.03.2003
text (short)
Nach vielen Zwischenschritten und internen Betas ist jetzt die offizielle Version 2.0 von TTM veröffentlicht.
Mit dieser Mod ist es z. B. möglich, Teamfarben nach Wunsch zu vergeben.
Serveradministratoren sollten das Ding gleich auf ihren Server schmeißen, außerdem findet ihr das komplette Changelog unter show more

text (long)
(fix) when player wanted to make non-crosshair chg'es in "Hud..." it changed crosshair to TTM_5 everytime
(fix) in online games personal hitsounds preferences weren't working stable
(add) two more crosshairs

beta 2.3d
(fix) brightskins weren't working stable in plain deathmatch
(add) player-side option: team-colored spawn/xloc effects (on by default)
(add) server-side setting "enable/disable double damage" and a voting for it

beta 2.3c
(add) 4 new crosshairs
(chg) in time-unlimited warmup check for numplayers=maxplayers is required for finishing warmup only if UnrealGame.DeathMatch.bTournament=true on server
(chg) in time-unlimited warmup time doesn't runs out when there are no players on the server
(fix) forced demo recording wasn't working stable on clients for dedicated servers
(chg) built-in TTM's irc-reporter in TDM games score updates now reports deltas between previous score and current one
(add) brightskins: player-side option "Force team-colored HUD"; if enabled, player's HUD will has color of current player's team
(add) brightskins: translocator effect and respawn effect are now colored in brightskins' team colors (if brightskins are enabled)
(fix) beta patch 2217 introduced new Epic's brightskins; ttm beta 2.3b didn't work well with it; ttm beta 2.3c now works well with it
(add) in team-based after-game stats (check console for them) now has total damage given/rcvd per team
(add) console commands <yes> and <no> to use in votings
(add) console command <startvote subject param>; subject can be: 1 for map switch (don't forget to mention map name), 2 for server-side TTM's hud & scoreboard enhancements toggle, 3 for TTM's brightskins toggle, 5 for server-side hitsound mode, 6 for combos enabling/disabling (use param; for example 0110 stands for Booster off, Invis on, Speed on and Berserk off), 7 for map restart)
(chg) on listen servers player doesn't have to enter admin password in order to go to server-side settings window
(add) player can select hit sound to use (UTPure-like and ttm2003v1-like hitsounds are added); use main menu (f7)->player-side settings->hitsound preferences;
(add) added current patch version info into scoreboard
(chg) in team based network games scoreboard displays per-team average ping and now it's more visible than before
(fix) brightskins bug: sometimes invisible player looked weird for other players/specs
(fix) in new bonus pack's gametypes (Invasion, Mutant and LMS) even if HUD/scoreboard improvements are enabled, TTM doesn't change HUD/scoreboard to it's own

beta 2.3b
(fix) brightskins bug: option 'darken dead bodies' sometimes caused darkening of actually alive bodies
(fix) brightskins bug: there were no armor flashes on brightskinned players
(fix) brightskins bug: sometimes after switching from ttm server with brightskins enabled to non-ttm server player got rejected by utsecure
(chg) brightskins: 'red' color changed from (65,0,0) to (70,0,0) thus became a little bit more, well, red
(chg) brightskins: personal brightskins preferences are now taking effect instantly when changed in the settings window
(fix) crosshair settings changes in 'player-side settings' window are now taking effect instantly
(add) 2 new console commands: setcrosshair <number> sets crosshair *and* stores that setting in ttm2003.ini, tmpsetcrosshair <number> sets crosshair and *doesn't* store that setting in ttm2003.ini
(add) new player-side option 'Display scoreboard when dead' (enabled by default); if enabled, displays coreboard every time player is dead

beta 2.3a
(fix) some minor multiplayer bugs with new brightskins

beta 2.3
(add) player-side setting 'on-screen clock position': off, top left corner of the screen, top right corner (default setting), vertically centered left side of the screen, centered right
(add) new player-side setting: 'Display my personal stats'; this one is used to dynamically toggle display of TTM accuracy and pickups stats in scoreboard
(add) console command 'showTTMstats' toggles display of that stats in scoreboard; you might consider binding it to some key (for example typing 'set input f3 showttmstats' in console will bind it to F3)
(add) brightskins: player now can configure his/her personal preferences on brightskins (including option not to use'em even if they're enabled by server); those preferences are in effect only if brightskins are enabled on server
(chg) brightskins: enabling brightskins server-side now doesn't enforce 'defaultmodel' as it was earlier; still server admins can enforce default player model using standard UT2003's features
(chg) map-voting feature now checks if proposed map is present on the serverl if it doesn't, intiating player gets warning and voting doesn't get started
(chg) player-side settings is now split in three lesser windows: (1) main player-side settings, (2) subwindow 'personal hitsounds preferences' and (3) subwindow 'personal brightskins preferences'
(add) server's name tag ("[TTMbeta2.3]") is now optional; use main menu(F7)->server-side settings->misc settings window to toggle this setting
(chg) due to a duplication of function by recent patch following server-side setting was removed: 'weapon improvements'
(chg) due to a duplication of function by recent patch following player-side setting was removed: field-of-view angle (FOV)
(add) 9 new crosshairs
(add) crosshair selection in the player-side settings window: if you select your crosshair there, it will not be affected by lodbias setting
(add) added console command 'BH', alias for 'behindview'
(fix) when spectating with 'behindview 0' HUD now shows name of followed player; same for playing back server-side demos
(chg) irc-reporter now shows reason why amp run was finished in the same line as the 'amp run finished' notice
(chg) irc-reporter now reports what map is played every 120 sec
(fix) irc-reporter bug: when player/bot got some 'critical pickup' (amp, armor, etc.) in warmup reporter told something 'Rambo got his 0th double damage!'
(fix) bug: human players spawned in wrong state and could fly through walls before match actually started
(fix) bug: in CTF games flag sometimes didn't returned when warmup was finished

beta 2.2
(fix) bug: when match started everyone got 100 adrenaline
(fix) bug: adrenaline combos didn't worked sometimes

beta 2.1
(fix) fixed some bugs in flak accuracy stats
(fix) fixed partial incompatibility with latest utsecure
(add) after-game info: fl, tl, avg ping, best scorer etc.
(fix) bug: in warmup's countdown announcer and on-screen messages were sometimes unsynchronized
(add) auto demo recording: 'player-side settings'->'Record a demo in each match'; you can use these switches in the demo filename mask: %t -- current time, %d -- current date, %n -- player's name, %o --opponent(s) name, %m -- map's name. default demo filename mask is '(%d)-(%t)-%n-on-%m'
(fix) several fixes in scoreboard: average team pings, scales nicer, etc.
(fix) when hitting opponent with a flak (primary mode) player gets single hitsound (not multiple as it was before)
(fix) more combos enabling/disabling bugs
(chg) due to a duplication of feature by patch 2166, 'Player-side settings'->'Draw enemy name' checkbox is now removed
(fix) bug: when voting was in progress HUD displayed only vote of HUD's owner
(fix) in warmup players don't have to go through 3-second countdown
(fix) bug: after warmup finished and actual game started flags/balls/dom points weren't reset
(chg) hitsounds are now recorded
(add) in overtime clock is now counting too (upwards)
(fix) bug: sometimes after warmup scoreboard wasn't displaying remaining time; now it does
(fix) bug: couldn't end warmup if there were any spectators
(add) new teamsay option: %p reports about any non-weapon pickup that is near to a player
(add) new teamsay option: %g reports about any weapon pickup that is near to a player

beta 2.0
(add) Warmup. It's disabled by default. Use server-side settings to enable it. There are two warmup options: time-limited warmup and time-unlimited warmup. First one means that warmup round is going until it times out OR every player said he's ready to play. Second option means that warmup will go on until every player choose 'READY' in the in-game menu. There is no scoring in warm-up round. There is 10 seconds countdown before actual match starts. 'All-weapon warmup' option allows gives everyplayer all allowed weapons at the start of warmup round and everytime player kills other player. NOTE: no voting of warm-up yet.
(add) Personal accuracy and pickup stats. Use 'player-side settings' in the in-game menu to enable/disable it. Stats are shown in scoreboard (F1). NOTE: when enabled, consumes your bandwith in online games a little bit.
(add) Client-side IRC reporter. NOTE: server-side IRC reporting will be added in the next bext version. Another NOTE: causes game crash if you start irc reporter on machine disconnected from internet (this is to be fixed).
(chg) when improved HUD is enabled, player can clearly see how much ammo he has for every weapon in pocession (not for active one only as in standard HUD).
(add) when voting in progress everybody gets notice about this in the HUD
(chg) by default in-game menu is stil bound to F7 key. However, if F7 is bound to some command other than 'menu', TTM will not force you to use F7 for in-game menu. In that case you can use 'Player-side settings' to bind in-game menu to other key
(fix) adrenaline combos worked sometimes, even if disabled; they now don't
(chg) all server-side settings are now stored in server's .ini file (ut2003.ini by default), not in ttm2003.ini; it helps admins who hosts two or more server instances with different settings on one machine;
(chg) player-side checkbox "hitsounds on/off" was changed into drop-down list with following options: 'Off', 'Soft', 'Normal', 'Loud'. 'Normal' is set by default.
(add) GUI admin-login -- when player selects "server-side settings" menu item for the first time, he needs to enter game's admin password. Works only in network games (in 'instant action' player can change server-side settings without logging in as as admin)
(add) player-side option "Display spectators talk". If disabled, player don't get messages from spectators on his/her HUD. Still, messages can be viewed later in the console. Enabled by default
(add) votable option: Restart current map (enabled/disabled by 'allow votings on map' server-side option)
(chg) window "server-side settings" was split in several lesser windows
(add) "Take after-game screenshot" -- checkbox in player-side settings. If enabled, player's UT2003 takes screenshot with scoreboard after match ends. Disabled by default.
(add) console command SPECLIST lists spectators for current match in console
(fix) added short death messages for alt minigun, rocket splash and telefrag
(chg) spectators can't start vote and can't participate in votings
(chg) in TDM games after game's finished everyone can see deaths for both teams
(fix) in TDM games spectator can now see deaths for both teams

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